How It Works
The Cozy Hen® Waterer is a patented (U.S. Pat. 10,349,635) waterer for poultry, especially chickens, and is designed to resist freezing in winter weather. High tech insulation is used to slow cooling, and a heat pipe is used to conduct heat from the warm water in the inner bucket to the drinking end of the watering nipple. Without the heat pipe, the drinking tip of the watering nipple would quickly freeze if the waterer were placed outdoors in freezing weather.

When the waterer without a heater was filled with water at 105⁰F and then tested outdoors at 0⁰F, it took more than 10 hours for the nipple to freeze. When the waterer with only a 15 watt heater was tested outdoors at 0⁰F, the water in the inner bucket was maintained at 78⁰F, and the tip of the nipple was maintained at around 70⁰F. (See the "Typical Performance of the Cozy Hen® Waterer" page on this site for more information.)
The following bottom view of the Cozy Hen® Waterer in sub-zero F weather shows the 'hot nipple' assembly. Although a thin coating of ice is visible on the outer shield of the 'hot nipple' assembly, the nipple valve is not frozen and delivers liquid water.
How It Saves Money
A Cozy Hen® Waterer requires only a 15 W heater to maintain liquid water indefinitely even when the outside temperature is well below 0⁰F; whereas most other poultry waterers require at least a 50 W heater, and 100 W heaters are more typical. A Cozy Hen® Waterer can also be used without a heater with the understanding that it will eventually freeze if left outside in freezing weather for too long. (The amount of time that it can sit outside without a heater and without freezing depends on the outside temperature and the amount of wind. See the Typical Performance of the Cozy Hen® Waterer page on this site for more information.)
Thus, a Cozy Hen® Waterer saves money in at least the following two ways. First, a little online shopping will quickly demonstrate that the purchase price of a 15 W heater is much less than the purchase price of a 50 W or 100 W heater. Second, the cost of electricity for a 15 W heater is much less than the cost of electricity for a 50 W or 100 W heater. The cost of electricity varies depending on location, but the U.S. national average price for residential electricity is around $0.12 per kilowatt-hour. So a 15 W continuous power draw costs around $1.30 per month. In comparison, a 50 W continuous power draw costs about $4.32 per month, and a 100 W continuous power draw costs about $8.64 per month. Depending on the number of months per year that the heater is needed, the difference in the cost of electricity per year can add up to a significant percentage of the purchase price of the waterer. If used for just 3 months of winter, typical electricity savings are about $3 to $5 per month x 3 months = $9 to $15 per winter. After a few years, the difference in the cost of electricity plus the difference in the purchase price of the heater can easily exceed the purchase price of the waterer. In colder climates where the heater is used for at least 5 months each year to ensure that your birds have water at a temperature that is humane and conducive to greater egg production, a Cozy Hen® Waterer may pay for itself through reduced energy costs added up in about 2 to 3 years; the comparison is dependent on the alternative waterer, the manner of use and weather conditions.
How To Purchase
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